This module handles the authorization of WinX programs for the employees of the property. It is also possible to register fingerprints and have a complete time registration as well as resource planning for any department.

WinX does not have a payroll system but prepares all the data for such a system.

Important features of Human Resources:

  • A template is used to create access control for each position in the organization for each program the position is entitled to use;
  • For each position a quick access (short cut) button can be defined;
  • If there is a multi-property environment, staff can have different positions in different properties, using the same ID and profile;
  • WinX has a multilingual interface based on user ID. When a preferred language is selected for an employee, the person is able to view texts of WinX in the selected language;
  • Authorization levels for purchasing as well as AP payments can be set per employee;
  • Time registration through fingerprint.
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